Bonus Tangiental Content: TikTok Videos, Mario Kart DB Highlights, + More

We cover anything and everything Dragon Ball in hopes of enlightening... and a little bit of entertaining. Hosted every week by the Kanzenshuu staff and regular special guests from the professional and fandom communities. Your first, best, last, and only Dragon Ball podcast!

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Bonus Tangiental Content: TikTok Videos, Mario Kart DB Highlights, + More

Post by VegettoEX » Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:03 am

Heyo! So, as you can pretty clearly see, the podcast has been... let's say a bit slow lately? As usual, I've spread myself too thin across a variety of site projects (and "real-life" stuff... all of it good, but it's a lot!), and the podcast has become one of the biggest casualties of that. I really hope to get rolling again this year, but until then, I thought it might be worth sharing some of the little content that I/we are trying to get out there: shorter things, not as time-consuming as putting together and producing one of our standard-quality-level podcasts, but still at least relatively informative... and fun!

Mario Kart Streams
This isn't always necessarily Kanzenshuu-related, but it can be at times, and even occasionally results in "real" "content" as you'll see below, so I figured it was worth mentioning here. As the pandemic hit, a small group of friends and I started playing games online every Saturday night. Early on we swapped between a few games, but eventually settled on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because it was the game the most people had. Almost two years later, we've kept up this tradition, and we added a live stream component to the shenanigans. So, almost every Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern, you can find us over on my Twitch channel for a couple hours.


So how does this relate to "content" you might be interested in...?

Anime/Manga "Reviews"
At some point along the way, we decided that we should talk about some series while we played Mario Kart. Certain stages have taken on important roles, like Cloudtop Cruise being the stage that Meri and I give Bryce our weekly One Piece viewing update (because he's a big fan, interested in where we are along the way, and the stage reminded us of Skypiea, where we were at the time of decided to do this).

But then we said, hey, what if we actually all watch a show together? A good bad show that we have nostalgia for and haven't watched in, say, 20 years? And that's how we decided to rewatch Angelic Layer. Each week we watched a certain number of episodes, picked a stage (in this case, we got tricked into Cheeseland), and "reviewed it" in the most casual format possible.


Once we finished, I stitched the whole thing together into one long video (and that audio also ended up in the podcast feed, so you might have come across this one already).

We've since moved on to reading the Ranma 1/2 manga, and we're doing the same thing in the same format each week. We're something like 100 chapters in right now, and when that all ends (or we otherwise decide to stop), I'll likewise stitch that all together into one long video.

OK, but still, how about Dragon Ball stuff...?

Mario Kart Highlights
Beyond the actual highlight reels of actual gameplay and funny shit people say and do that I post on Twitter each week, along the last year or so I've been pulling out Dragon Ball-related conversations we had (usually featuring some friends and family of the site that you might recognize), wondering what to do with them. A couple weeks ago we ended up on amazing tangents about Killa and the Turtle Hermit, and I decided to turn that into a first "episode"... and it certainly goes places by the end, let me tell you!


Later made a second "episode" with a bunch of random DB chat we had during a subsequent gameplay session:


Our third "episode" is filled with a bunch of voice actor stories... and more!


Depending on the group that's playing any given weekend, if we happen to have any relevant bits like these, I'll make similar videos out of them, and hopefully I'll remember to come back and link them here!

Oh My God We're On TikTok
And then there's this:


I'm working all day long in a room surrounded by amazing Dragon Ball stuff, and sometimes I feel like I can take five minutes and just knock out a fun little thing to simultaneously de-stress and also inform other people! Here are some of those "good" ones (I'm trying to post the "good ones" on Twitter as well). Here are a few of those:
And finally, I'm collecting all these short videos on a monthly basis over on our YouTube channel, so you can also watch batches there if and when you want!
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: Small Videos + More

Post by MetaMoss » Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:34 pm

I just watched the YouTube compilation of the short videos. They were good fun, and I learned something new, which makes them a perfect microcosm of what you've been doing all these years :thumbup:

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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: Small Videos + More

Post by VegettoEX » Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:43 pm

MetaMoss wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:34 pm I just watched the YouTube compilation of the short videos. They were good fun, and I learned something new, which makes them a perfect microcosm of what you've been doing all these years :thumbup:
Oh thanks my dude! Yeah, I think describing them as a microcosm of what we do is a great way to put it! :lol:
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: Small Videos + More

Post by BlazingFiddlesticks » Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:50 pm

I work Saturdays and end up either forgetting or working too late to catch these, so I appreciate this. I support putting the Dragon Ball basement to good use if it is your regular workspace. The way you audibly leaned away from mic when the Killa news dropped is what made it.

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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: TikTok Videos, Mario Kart DB Highlights, + More

Post by VegettoEX » Tue May 09, 2023 4:33 pm

Hey, everyone!

Bit of an update here! The whole TikTok thing became pretty unsustainable for me in the last year as I took on most significant roles in "my real life" (I'm hoping I can at least crunch something new out every once in a while again, though!)... but the good news is that all the Saturday night nonsense has continued!

This has resulted in a few new relevant videos since the last update here. Of particular interest to fellow forum dwellers will likely be the sixth and seventh "episodes" from our highlights series:

In episode 6 we discuss Dragon Ball AF on and off for a while, before finally dedicating basically a full half-hour to a live reading and response to the FAQ section on Temple O' Trunks:


In episode 7, we get excited for the upcoming Kenka'ichi Budokai and host a slew of live interviews with some of the participants:



... On that last one, just to give you an idea of what you're in for...

:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: TikTok Videos, Mario Kart DB Highlights, + More

Post by sangofe » Sun May 14, 2023 2:44 pm

Dragon Ball AF from Toyble or Young Jijii?

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Re: Bonus Tangiental Content: TikTok Videos, Mario Kart DB Highlights, + More

Post by VegettoEX » Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:33 pm

It's not a new podcast... but it's effectively a new podcast!

Join Mike, Meri, Ken, Randy, and Doug for ~40 minutes of showing off figures, exploring lore, bad impressions, and more! Us playing Mario Kart is incidental! 👇

:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
:: [| Website: January 1998 |] :: [| Podcast: November 2005 |] :: [| Fusion: April 2012 |] :: [| Wiki: 20XX |] ::

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