Podcast Episode #0379
Published by 14 April 2015, 6:28 PM EDT

Last week’s episode was host to our spoiler-filled review of the upcoming theatrical film, Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F”, from its first preview screening in Japan. This week’s show goes out to all the fans still somehow doing their best to avoid those massive spoilers! Tune in for a spoiler-free review of the movie along with a recap of FUNimation’s massive preview screening event in Los Angeles this past weekend featuring special guests Masako Nozawa and Tadayoshi Yamamuro!

Episode #0379! VegettoEX and Kirbopher discuss FUNimation’s preview screening for “Resurrection ‘F'” in Los Angeles, featuring special guests Masako Nozawa and Tadayoshi Yamamuro! Tune in for our take on how the event was handled along with a spoiler-free review of the movie!


Be sure to also check out additional footage from the Los Angeles event courtesy of our buddies Ryan and Josh of “Battle Geek Plus”:

Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr.

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  • sangofe says:

    How can it be a review of the movie, and still be spoiler free?

    • SSJ God Gogeta says:

      Because they don’t really discuss any specific scenes in detail or talk about how the plot of the movie plays out. It’s mostly discussing how the movie is as a whole, with the closest thing to spoilers being information that has already been officially released via things like trailers, etc.

  • sangofe says:

    Okay, but the only trailer I’ve seen has been the trailer showing attacks. Not the other one, because I heard it had spoilers. So I guess I’ll get that spoiled?

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