New Translation: July 2014 Saikyō Jump Akira Toriyama “Me Lately” Comic
Published by 16 April 2016, 4:08 PM EDT

The July 2014 issue of Saikyō Jump (released 04 June 2014 in Japan) was jam-packed with special Dragon Ball content. In particular, it featured the following manga series/chapters:

  • Dragon Ball SD (both a regular chapter and a bonus Majin Boo story chapter)
  • Neko Majin Ga Iru
  • Dragon Ball Heroes: Charisma Mission
  • Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission
  • Dragon Ball x Isobe Isobei
  • Dragon Ball GT anime comic

The issue also featured an interview with Dragon Ball SD‘s Naho Ooishi interviewing original manga author Akira Toriyama about the scouters in the series.

Before all that, however, the issue starts with a short, four-panel comic by Akira Toriyama himself discussing what he is up to and how exactly it came to be that he managed to contribute so little to a special issue celebrating his own series.



This comic has been archived in our “Translations” section.

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