“Dragon Ball Super” Japanese Home Release Box #5 Packaging
Published by 15 December 2016, 12:40 PM EST

Online retailers have updated their listings for the fifth Dragon Ball Super home video box set in Japan, covering episodes 49-60 (the first portion of the Future Trunks arc):

The disc label art features Future Trunks and Goku Black. In addition to a special booklet and box with a new illustration, on-disc extras will include a creditless version of the series’ 5th ending theme animation, “Easy-Going Dance”.

Toei and Happinet are releasing the series in DVD and Blu-ray box sets of 12 episodes each. The first set saw its release 02 December 2015 (episodes 1-12) with the second set dropping 02 March 2016 (episodes 13-24). The third set was delayed by one month to 02 July 2016 (episodes 25-36) and the fourth box was released 04 October 2016 (episodes 37-48). The companies have announced a sixth home video set of the show which is tentatively scheduled for release in April 2017.

DVD sets are listed at ¥11,200 (+ tax) with Blu-ray sets at ¥15,200 (+ tax) and will see their release 06 January 2017 in Japan. Both DVD and Blu-ray sets are listed as two discs each. Sets are available to pre-order via CDJapan and Amazon Japan.

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