Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

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Yuli Ban
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Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

Post by Yuli Ban » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:36 pm


Revamping the old thread, cutting away a lot of the AI chaff and obsolete worldbuilding to reintroduce the Yabanverse. Ever since the previous thread, it's undergone a few substantial changes. I was putting off making this thread until I at least had a few certain art commissions ready.


The Yabanverse is a worldbuilding project of mine that's now shifting into actual story mode. It's centrally following a few individuals from a subspecies of Saiyan known as "Yabans."


This admittedly stretches the limits of what a "Dragon Ball" fanfiction is, especially considering that, previously, the Yabanverse wasn't a Dragon Ball fanseries at all. The only thing that tied the Yabanverse before January 2023 to Dragon Ball in any meaningful way was that Yabans looked indistinguishable to Saiyans, and maybe that the main character watched DBZ on Earth. Of course now, Yabans ARE Saiyans, just a separate subspecies from Toriyama's, for all the reasons I ranted about a while back about how it got annoying to make "legally distinct" versions of each species and skirt around similarities with ultra-similar versions of those things and the final straw was essentially when I had Namekians, Kaioshins, and Super Saiyan in all but name, and realized "I'd actually have more fun if these were what they were."
And voila, the modern Yabanverse was born: set in two universes— Universe Prime (ostensibly this universe) and Universe-23. As a result, no Dragon Ball characters ever appear in-universe, even though various DB races do. This at least gave me freedom to take the verse anywhere I wanted.
Not that fanfics "need" to stick to the original world and lore 100%, but this is essentially a retrofitted DB-inspired original universe that was way too similar to DB to be in any way legally capable of commercialization. Imagine a Star Wars fanverse that didn't take place in the original Star Wars universe and thus none of the Star Wars characters ever appear, but nevertheless still had most of the assets of Star Wars on top of new ones that might not even tonally fit with the movies (so I guess, imagine Knights of the Old Republic except it was another universe entirely instead of thousands of years earlier)

As a result, while it does contain whimsy and xuanhuan martial artistry, there's a great deal in the Yabanverse that isn't anything like Dragon Ball. Indeed, that was kind of the original point: instead of doing Dragon Ball over again, do something different.

Also, since this was a worldbuilding project and essentially built everything up first instead of starting with a story, I've done loads of artwork that depicts stuff way later in the timeline before the main narrative threads ever started. Sort of like building a world and then making stories in it, instead of making a story and building a world around it. Neither direction is necessarily better, though the former definitely runs the risk of getting so wrapped up in worldbuilding that you forget to ever tell a story and lose yourself in nerd details (and admittedly the latter has its own risk of caring so little about the world outside the story that you build a world that flat out contradicts or constantly retcons itself)

Inaugural story: Little Miss Savage

As always, this is more of a slice of life story than what the verse seems to suggest, and I've realized it's essentially a "reverse isekai" in many ways: a young Saiyan girl is exiled to Earth-Prime (aka ostensibly "Our Earth") circa 1999, into the hands of an eccentric cryptid vet/underground doctor and his cousins.
The early parts of the story are/will be intensely shmaltzy. It's mostly about the absurdity of a Saiyan (and a few others) living on Earth

And here is our main character: Sol Yulaan
A young Saiyajin from a mysterious subspecies known as the Yabans. Her young life has been a pilgrimage of pain and battle: born a low-class barbarian upon the haunted world of Kollidor, raised to be a battle-crazed killing machine, and her body broken from war by the age of 14. So let's put her on Earth at the turn of the millennium, in the care of an eccentric but otherwise normal young man. What could go wrong?!
Right now, I think of it more as a light novel/webnovel. If I open a Patreon and get any support, I'd be able to turn it into at least a 4 or 5 panel webcomic, which is certainly more ideal.

There's loads of artwork and images to post, but I'll put off on them for a while.

Any and all questions welcome, because there's a lot I do have to answer about the verse, often for my own benefit just to flesh out aspects I might not have thought of.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

Post by Yuli Ban » Fri May 31, 2024 11:30 pm

Completely forgot about this thread, when the new story floundered. I've been thinking about how to better do that fic, and I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I might as well drop all pretenses and put it in the Dragonverse somehow, just to exploit the actual DB characters being involved. The main reason I didn't want to have Goku and friends/enemies in the Yabanverse wasn't even because I wanted the universes separate but because I didn't want transformation spam/power level obsession. That, and the two series are fairly tonally different. Yabanverse can cross over into DB-style wackiness often, especially anything to do with the Universe 23's Earth and the Gosamyrs, but it's also much more severe and certainly has "an American created this" quality to it.
Also, worldbuilding without having to worry about the established rules of the Dragon Ball universe let me go wild in ways that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. Jamming the Yabanverse into the Dragonverse makes sparks fly.

But come on... there has to be something surreal about the idea of Goku watching Dragon Ball Z, isn't there?

Anyway, here's an artwork I meant to post here earlier:
Reply of the Kokozarene Saiyans

Commission by /u/dreb_28. Please give this man more work to do, he was excellent!

Obviously taken from the classic artwork of Ilya Repin, Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.

In the context here, this depicts a bunch of male and female Yabans from Kokozar, an extremely martial and Titanistic nation on Planet Kollidor, penning an extraordinarily crude letter to the king of a rival nation, presumably a Jinkai warlord.

However, I deliberately commissioned it to be vague enough to be useful in a more Dragon Ball context, because when I saw the final product, the first thing I thought of was "imagine a bunch of Saiyans penning a rebellious letter to Freeza-sama."
I'd love to hear someone remake the original letter in that context too.

Strongest Under Heaven
Original photograph: Sunset at Yellow Mountains (Huangshan), China by /u/Vidyutrautela

Obviously I won't use this in any official capacity unless I get permission from this user. I just love the photo. Really captures that "wuxia/East Asian fantasy" sensibility.

Strongest Under Heaven is best described as "Dragon Ball Alternative." Saiyan girl meets a perverted monk boy who is seeking to free a Majin girl from a cursed talisman and got his ass kicked immediately when he set out to do it, so he convinces her to help him. A gang of warlords and a powermad martial artist doctor are in their way. Hijinks ensue, that eventually leads to other hijinks, which leads to more hijinks. All set on an alternate version of Earth (both Earth-Prime/Our Earth and Dragon-Earth).
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:08 am



The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:21 am

Remember in the dub version of DBZ and, to an extent, the Japanese version where Vegeta is obsessed with strength over everything and is more than happy to live the most austere, laconic lifestyle possible in service of getting stronger (and this is the wrong way to do it)? Also do you remember the 20th century?
Well then, here's that, distilled even further.



The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: Little Miss Savage/Yabanverse [Revamp]

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:34 am

I'm not even going to pretend that bollois didn't steal most of my attention with the project. Besides the fact that both Enekai and Yulaan are such, I think there's just this baphomic thrill inherent in the concept. "Girlboss"/Strong Female Character™ archetypes seem to be a divisive topic in media, and yet here I am thinking "they haven't gone far enough. Perhaps with humans, they literally can't. But here I have the opportunity with my genetically-modified Saiyan OCs to close that gap."



The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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