Translations Archive

Dragon Ball Super Cast Comments

Takeshi Kusao


How did you feel when you found out about Dragon Ball Super?
I never imagined it would come back as a new TV series, so at first I was shocked (laughs). I was really happy when I found out it was true. Since it’s a completely new series, I’m really interested to see how the story will play out. Plus, Trunks only appeared very briefly in Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F”, so perhaps he’ll be around more this time around… that’s got me excited too (laughs).
What’s got you most excited about playing Trunks again for Dragon Ball Super?
It’s the first new series since Dragon Ball GT 18 years ago, so I think it will be watched even by people from the new generation that knows nothing about Dragon Ball. Because of that, while I’m preserving the foundation of the Trunks I’ve played up until now, I’m trying to depict a fresh, modern relationship between Trunks and Goten. I want to put a new spin on how I play Trunks.
What should people watch out for in the upcoming story?
Apparently Dragon Ball Super is based off the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. I’m extremely interested to see how much the TV series will depict Trunks and Goten’s exploits that didn’t make it into the film. I don’t know what the ending will be like either, so that feels really fresh too.
What are the recording sessions like?
They feel exactly the same as they did back in the day. I have no clue how the story’s going to develop, so I’m excited as I record. The visuals during recordings are unfinished but already pretty interesting, so I’m looking forward to the broadcast so I can see how much better they are once the sound effects and music are added in.
Finally, please say something for the fans.
I think it’s absolutely incredible that both the new generation that doesn’t know Dragon Ball, and the generation of adults who watched the TV series back in the old days, can experience a new Dragon Ball together. Just like Goku says “lend me your power”, I’ll ask everyone to lend us their power. And through Dragon Ball, I want to return that power to everyone many times over. Let’s kick off Dragon Ball Super together!
English Translation: Herms