Manga Guide

Dragon Ball Chapter 425

Tankōbon Title Page
Tankōbon Title Page
Kanzenban Title Page
Kanzenban Title Page
Full Color Title Page
Full Color Title Page




Chapter Information

Premiered: 08 June 1993 (Weekly Shōnen Jump 1993 #27)
Dragon Ball Z (Original Broadcast)
  • None
Dragon Ball Kai (“Refreshed” Broadcast)
  • None

  • Digital Monochrome Edition Volume 36 (12 October 2012)

Chapter Synopsis

The guy asks him again, and Great Saiyaman says he’ll tell him now, as promised. “I…” Posing. “Absolutely cannot forgive evil. A friend of justice!!” More posing. “I am the Great Saiyaman!!!!” (He practiced all of that for two hours last night.) Videl thinks that’s very lame. Great Saiyaman tells the guy resistance is futile (seriously), and tells Videl to cuff him. Videl notices that Great Saiyaman knows her name… The guy decides to throw a smoke bomb and try to escape in his car, but Great Saiyaman says such smoke could not deceive his eyes, and vows not to let him escape. Videl freaks out that he can fly, and it’s no trick. Great Saiyaman catches up to him, of course, and bops him on the head, then brings him back to Videl.

Great Saiyaman asks about taking the criminals to the police, but then Videl suddenly says his identity must be a secret. Great Saiyaman admits that it is… “But, Son Gohan-kun, how did you get out of class?” Great Saiyaman explains that he said he had to go to the restroom. “Aha!!!! I knew it, your true identity was Son Gohan-kun!!!” After the shock, Great Saiyaman disappointedly asks how she knew. His voice, and he knew her name. So, the two of them fly back to school in Videl’s plane, and she asks why he dressed like that. He explains that his friends wanted to live normally, and thus he should hide his strength. Videl wonders if he’s the Golden Warrior, too, but Gohan insists he isn’t (that one must remain secret).

Videl then begins to ask him if he’s entering the Tenka’ichi Budōkai next month, and Gohan wonders about it. She explains that it’s a tournament to decide the fighting champion, and it’s being revived after quite a long time. “My papa was the champion of the previous tournament. Before that, I don’t know what he looks like, but he was a mysterious man named ‘Son Goku’…” Gohan starts to get nervous. Videl figures this ‘Son Goku’ must be Gohan’s papa, and Gohan doesn’t deny it. She insists that he should enter the Tenka’ichi Budōkai, because it would be interesting with the children of the previous two champions fighting. Gohan doesn’t want to, but Videl threatens to tell everyone he’s the Great Saiyaman, so Gohan reluctantly agrees. When they arrive back at the school, Videl drops him off on the roof, and she asks if he’ll teach her to fly, too. Gohan changes his clothes, and heads back to class. A kid yells at him that he must’ve had to take a huge dump, and Gohan is really embarrassed.

Chapter Notes


  • When this chapter was first printed in Weekly Shōnen Jump, Videl was accidentally referred to once as “Devil”. This mistake was corrected for the tankōbon release.

Anime Connections

  • Some elements from this chapter were reworked and incorporated into the Dragon Ball Z anime to accommodate the additional Great Saiyaman filler material created, however this chapter was never adapted into the anime as-is.

Author’s Comment

  • Each issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump features short comments from the various series’ authors, giving fans a brief insight into their current thoughts, ranging from series-related announcements to trivial happenings in their personal lives. Akira Toriyama’s comments from this issue were:

    At some interview or other, I was asked what my motto was, and without thinking, replied “Ease”… <Akira>

    Coincidence or not, this is the same as the kanji that appeared on Yamcha’s first outfit, which Toriyama has admitted he likes. This is also one of the comments featured in Daizenshuu 7.

Page Breakdown

The majority of the Dragon Ball series was drawn in black and white, but chapters were occasionally published with color pages. This breakdown notes how many full-color, limited-color, and black-and-white pages appeared in this chapter. As the tankōbon volumes were not released with these colors intact, any color pages shown are taken from the kanzenban release.