Vic Mignogna

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kefla » Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:21 pm

Young-Jah wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:35 pm Ik, can we please get over with the MJ thing, and talk about it in another day.
For Funi, this is going to ruin their reputation as a English licensing company.
Firing a guy who did naughty things is gonna ruin their reputation? Nah.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by DragonBallFan » Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:20 am

Kokonoe wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:31 am
DragonBallFan wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:13 am
Fionordequester wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:30 am Testimonies from real life sexual assault victims:

Sophie Scruggs:
"People in any relationship with a potentially threatening or abusive personality act differently, especially if the person they are afraid of is powerful. I was sexually harassed in school and very scared to talk about it and was "friends" with the person to avoid trouble."

"I had breakfast with my assailant (a friend) THE MORNING AFTER I was assaulted. Survivors do all kinds of things to rationalize their experience and make it go away. That's part of a toxic culture."

"I wrote my foster uncle while he sat in prison, after he'd raped and molested me for years, because I "missed him." How do you think so many children and adults being abused can walk around with their abuser undetected?

This is real life. I don't see a guilty woman [in Monica Rial's photographs with Vic Mignogna], I see a woman who is just like any other woman or man who has been abused and doesn't know what to do. The interactions will be sincere. Sometimes you don't or can't accept/believe what they did so you push it away, just "dealing" with it, because just like you guys are coming after her because she spoke up. (And FUNimation did an investigation, the details of which are none of our business).

Look, I was a HUGE Vic fan too. A HUGE ONE. It hurt when I heard all this. But once I saw what'd happened and my shell was torn away, I was able to see what I didn't before. I stand by Monica. I feel bad for her and all the others who were hurt by this. I grieved, he was someone I leaned on when I was hurting. Other fans have grieved. But do NOT go attacking the victims and trying to discredit their stories just because they "got their way."

Any type of sex abuse is about control. & lots of people like control. He lost the control when everyone spoke out. That is one reason why y'all are mad, because you couldn't silence her or anyone and make it go your way."
People react differently to different situations, you have picked out specific things people have said to prove your point. It's like me taking 10 asian's and 10 african's, then get them to do a test, say the majority who pass are asian, that's like me then saying "Asians are smarter than Africans".

FUNimation did an investigation...and authorities weren't contacted, unbelievable, so it's okay to let a dangerous person loose? Plus Monica's husband is a higher up at FUNimation. If you look at Vic's story, you'll see it from his view, I don't see why he would lie, she said no, he said okay, and they went their separate ways, they were basically cheating with each other. Red flag right there.

If you believe someone based off of just a bunch of people coming out, then that's fine, but just be aware that if this becomes something that's accepted, there's no stopping how many innocent people will end up in jail, anyone could then easily 'team up' with other people and accuse to get back at someone or for whatever reason they're doing it.
I think the biggest thing you aren't realizing so far is that we know there isn't clear cut proof. You cannot prove sexual assault most of the time.

However using common sense and seeing over 50+ people accuse him of this paints a pretty clear picture that he's not wholesome. Sure if it was just 1 or 2 I could see defending Vic, but when it's over 50? Women aren't out to get men and ruin their lives. He's shady, plain and simple.
Thanks for being civil. I do see where your coming from, but it doesn't help when there's been people who have also had it in for him for years, not to mention the sexual assault has claimed to have happened in front of people. With rape, there's DNA, they can try that. Yes it's very hard and unfortunate. Vic came out and said none of that stuff is true and it wasn't his intention, if he really did do something I don't see what his deal would be trying to cover it up, he'd get into even more trouble, but if he is lying, then, well, we have a massive issue, don't we?

A friend of mine was sentenced to jail wrongfully, I try my best though to not let that impair my ability to think, I'm not donating to anyone until that court case is over, thats most likely where the full story'll come out.

Also, big problem letting someone like Vic nonce around if what he did was true. The world is becoming more accepting and people are allowed a voice, I know it's difficult to come out, but there is a responsibility there, if someone doesn't come out because their "afraid for his(/her) future" is just selfish.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by miguelnuva1 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:44 am

Knowing how scared MJ was and how he felt about Kids I don't think he molested anyone. Hundreds of kids in his house as well as 3 of his own and only 1 or 2 come out with their stories changing.

I do however think MJ did somewhat where he showed the first victim his penis.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:54 am

BlueChi wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:48 amIf after all that you still wish to paint Jackson as a sex offender, it's because you *want* him to be one and that is sick on so many levels.
I apologize for dredging this up from a few pages back, and because its still derailing into all the Michael Jackson stuff: but this REALLY bothered the hell out of me.

Like I've said in all my previous posts on this subject: I was a MASSIVE admirer of the guy as a kid growing up. More than that, I've listened to more than my fair share of Jackson's own recountings of his own childhood abuse from his father, and felt nothing but immense heartbreak for what he endured.

And there were various aspects to the guy that I both greatly identified with and looked up to growing up (his personal discipline, creative ambition, and emotionally sensitive, introspective outlook) as well as those that I most certainly did not share; namely his fixation on childhood innocence and "staying a kid forever". But with regards to those fixations, while I didn't share them (I was in most respect quite the exact opposite on those particular fronts even as a child) I did more or less understand EXACTLY where he was personally coming from with them, and I don't think there's a soul on the planet who would begrudge him, given what he experienced, wanting to recapture something that he felt he'd been robbed of by his abusive upbringing.

That empathy however, ends VERY MUCH at the EXACT point where Jackson's abuse trauma results in him later in life becoming an abuser himself and making victims out of another series of children after him. And yes, I STILL do feel bad for the guy on some level: like I said before, given the kind of upbringing he had and what it eventually resulted in, its almost IMPOSSIBLE not to feel for him. But at the same time (because yes, believe it or not shocker, its very much possible for a single person to contain more than one thought in their head at the same time :shock: ) I ALSO don't allow for that abuse and trauma that he suffered as a child to act as an "all is forgiven" excuse for the incredibly corrosive, sexually despicable acts that he had (again, overwhelmingly likely at this point) committed against these kids.

The trauma that THOSE kids experienced at Jackson's hands matters JUST AS MUCH as the trauma that Jackson experienced at his father's hands. BOTH of these things can be, and indeed are, true at the same time. The pain of the abuse that the Neverland children experienced from Jackson isn't invalidated or made "forgivable" simply because Jackson himself ALSO experienced abuse from someone as a kid. Jackson's pain doesn't take priority over that of his victims just because he's Michael Jackson. That isn't how this shit works, and if you're thinking and operating as if it does: then yes, you are in a fucking personality cult. Full stop.

And more to the point: to state that people who believe the victims must somehow "want for Jackson to be a sex abuser" is beyond warped, twisted, and deranged backwards-thinking in the extreme, and once again, is very much indicative of personality cult-like thinking (they're all out to get and take down the object of my idolatry!), not to mention indicative of an unbelievably childish, black-and-white, good/bad, overly-simplistic view of the world ("MJ good! Accusers liars! People who believe liars, also bad! If you're not with MJ, you're a bad person!").

When I listen to Safechuck and Robson describe their experiences, to some degree its like taking a time machine back to the mid-late 1980s when Michael Jackson was as close to a real life mythical figure as there was. Again, this part of it is both INCREDIBLY crucial as well as almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who wasn't there (particularly as a young person) in the 1980s to fully grasp or wrap their heads around: but what happened to the Neverland kids could've EASILY happened to ANY kid in the 80s who was a fan of Jackson's... which in the 80s was basically EVERY kid ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. Even myself, who like I said before, was otherwise TOTALLY disinterested and divorced from mainstream pop music of ANY kind and wanted nothing at all to do with most of it: Michael Jackson's raw talent and energy was THAT universal and THAT infectious across class/social/racial/gender lines at that point in time.

Apart from Safechuck and Robson's stories being INCREDIBLY accurate to most cases of serial pedophilia and child-sex abuse relationships (and like with MANY other topics of this nature, is something that WAY too frightening a number of people appear to be blood-curdlingly ignorant about: by all means PLEASE take the time to read more on this matter here), what a great, great, GREAT many, many people like myself who were children in the 1980s and were even SOMEWHAT into Michael Jackson's music and videos back then hear when they listen to the stories of these two guys is this:

"That could have EASILY been me back then."

To insist instead that "No, its because you WANT to believe that Michael Jackson is a sex abuser" in light of THAT context and THAT reality of what people who believe Robson and Safechuck's story? That is a fucking disgusting, reprehensible, divorced-from-reality, and outright sociopathic a statement to make. Period.

In NO way do I (or MOST sane people out there who simply have enough fucking awareness of how abuse generally works) WANT for either Michael Jackson or for ANYONE ELSE to be a sex abuser. WANTING for someone to be a sex abuser means wanting for there to be VICTIMS of sexual abuse: and that is something that if you sincerely think, given EVERYTHING that has been written about #MeToo from the perspective of the victims of sex abuse themselves and those who believe their stories, that people in this movement (as both women/survivors and as allies) WANT for there to be abuse victims?

Then all I can say is that that is some of the darkest, most vile, sickest, and poisonous fucking garbage thinking as I've come across anywhere. Which given many of the roads I've traveled throughout my life, is SAYING something.

Its also as much a case of psychological projection as I've heard, as note how all of the tough-guy amateur internet sleuths throughout this thread who are "just being objective" and "trying to hear both sides" when they disbelieve victims of sex crimes are also the same fucking whiners screaming about "civility!" and "their hurt feelings" and "people being too harsh for me!" If EVER there was a group of people who PERFECTLY fit the description of "wanting to be a victim".

The ultimate point being: no, neither myself, nor ANYONE ELSE who is either a part of or otherwise allied with and supportive of #MeToo WANTS for either Michael Jackson to be a sex predator (ESPECIALLY those of us who grew up loving his work and what it represented for so many years), nor for ANYONE ELSE to be a sex predator. Because people being sex predators means that there must then be victims for them to prey on: and the WHOLE ENTIRE POINT of MeToo is to PREVENT and SPARE any further victims in the future.

If you're still fundamentally incapable of understanding that, if your own personal baggage relating to some dipshit celebrity you worship or with you being worried about totally imaginary rash of false allegations (despite it being pointed out for people MANY MANY MANY times now that false rape allegations are in statistical reality MUCH rarer than most people think) or you simply being mildly miffed or offended because someone was a tiny bit short with you online for saying something outlandishly, preposterously stupid and naive about sex crimes (a topic which MOST people ought to have at least SOME basic, working knowledge of by the time they're old enough to even be having these conversations at all)...

...then you're someone who simply doesn't WANT to listen, doesn't WANT to be better educated about shit that actually matters, and are placing your own personal comfort, convenience, and feelings above that of people who are going through something WAY worse and WAY more pressingly important than you being made to face an uncomfortable but forthright question about your naive, sheltered-ass, rose-tinted view of the world for 5 seconds.

And finally, here's another excellent article regarding the Leaving Neverland accusers, their relationship with Jackson, Jackson's own childhood abuse, and how well all of it matches up with many other child sex abuse cases.
Last edited by Kunzait_83 on Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:03 am, edited 3 times in total.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by TKA » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:57 am

miguelnuva1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:44 am Hundreds of kids in his house as well as 3 of his own and only 1 or 2 come out with their stories changing.
This doesn’t say anything. Just because you’re a rapist doesn’t mean you rape every person you come across. Same for if you’re a pedophile. Even just 1 is 1 too many.

Further, all you’re saying is “only 1 or 2” people are willing to take the public backlash and everything else that comes with coming out. We’re 90+ pages into this thread, and you’ve seen how the victims of abusers get absolutely trashed by the public for a Z-list celebrity like Vic. Imagine what it must be like accusing one of the greatest cultural icons ever.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by XanatosVanBadass » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:06 pm

TKA wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:57 am
miguelnuva1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:44 am Hundreds of kids in his house as well as 3 of his own and only 1 or 2 come out with their stories changing.
This doesn’t say anything. Just because you’re a rapist doesn’t mean you rape every person you come across. Same for if you’re a pedophile. Even just 1 is 1 too many.

Further, all you’re saying is “only 1 or 2” people are willing to take the public backlash and everything else that comes with coming out. We’re 90+ pages into this thread, and you’ve seen how the victims of abusers get absolutely trashed by the public for a Z-list celebrity like Vic. Imagine what it must be like accusing one of the greatest cultural icons ever.
To add to this, MJ’s defenders often look to “but Corey Feldman and Mikuly Culkan repeatedly stated Jackson never did anything!” Well, this is true, but that likely means MJ didn’t molest those particular children. Which makes sense if you think about it since they were big child stars in their own right. A bit too big to sweep under the rug. It made sense that Jacko would go after the relative nobodies he could more easily isolate and groom.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by ABED » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:13 pm

XanatosVanBadass wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:06 pm
TKA wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:57 am
miguelnuva1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:44 am Hundreds of kids in his house as well as 3 of his own and only 1 or 2 come out with their stories changing.
This doesn’t say anything. Just because you’re a rapist doesn’t mean you rape every person you come across. Same for if you’re a pedophile. Even just 1 is 1 too many.

Further, all you’re saying is “only 1 or 2” people are willing to take the public backlash and everything else that comes with coming out. We’re 90+ pages into this thread, and you’ve seen how the victims of abusers get absolutely trashed by the public for a Z-list celebrity like Vic. Imagine what it must be like accusing one of the greatest cultural icons ever.
To add to this, MJ’s defenders often look to “but Corey Feldman and Mikuly Culkan repeatedly stated Jackson never did anything!” Well, this is true, but that likely means MJ didn’t molest those particular children. Which makes sense if you think about it since they were big child stars in their own right. A bit too big to sweep under the rug. It made sense that Jacko would go after the relative nobodies he could more easily isolate and groom.
When the story broke about Mark Schwahn (creator of One Tree Hill and The Royals), a few people defended him by pointing to Elizabeth Hurley saying she was never a victim of his harassment. Of course not, she has greater status than he does in Hollywood.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Bansho64 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:18 pm

I will go out on a limb here and say, I personally don't buy into Robson and Safechuck's claims and I find them extremely fictitious.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by BlueChi » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:20 pm

Kunzait_83 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:54 amI apologize for dredging this up from a few pages back, and because its still derailing into all the Michael Jackson stuff: but this REALLY bothered the hell out of me.

Like I've said in all my previous posts on this subject: I was a MASSIVE admirer of the guy as a kid growing up. More than that, I've listened to more than my fair share of Jackson's own recountings of his own childhood abuse from his father, and felt nothing but immense heartbreak for what he endured.

And there were various aspects to the guy that I both greatly identified with and looked up to growing up (his personal discipline, creative ambition, and emotionally sensitive, introspective outlook) as well as those that I most certainly did not share; namely his fixation on childhood innocence and "staying a kid forever". But with regards to those fixations, while I didn't share them (I was in most respect quite the exact opposite on those particular fronts even as a child) I did more or less understand EXACTLY where he was personally coming from with them, and I don't think there's a soul on the planet who would begrudge him, given what he experienced, wanting to recapture something that he felt he'd been robbed of by his abusive upbringing.

That empathy however, ends VERY MUCH at the EXACT point where Jackson's abuse trauma results in him later in life becoming an abuser himself and making victims out of another series of children after him. And yes, I STILL do feel bad for the guy on some level: like I said before, given the kind of upbringing he had and what it eventually resulted in, its almost IMPOSSIBLE not to feel for him. But at the same time (because yes, believe it or not shocker, its very much possible for a single person to contain more than one thought in their head at the same time :shock: ) I ALSO don't allow for that abuse and trauma that he suffered as a child to act as an "all is forgiven" excuse for the incredibly corrosive, sexually despicable acts that he had (again, overwhelmingly likely at this point) committed against these kids.

The trauma that THOSE kids experienced at Jackson's hands matters JUST AS MUCH as the trauma that Jackson experienced at his father's hands. BOTH of these things can be, and indeed are, true at the same time. The pain of the abuse that the Neverland children experienced from Jackson isn't invalidated or made "forgivable" simply because Jackson himself ALSO experienced abuse from someone as a kid. Jackson's pain doesn't take priority over that of his victims just because he's Michael Jackson. That isn't how this shit works, and if you're thinking and operating as if it does: then yes, you are in a fucking personality cult. Full stop.

And more to the point: to state that people who believe the victims must somehow "want for Jackson to be a sex abuser" is beyond warped, twisted, and deranged backwards-thinking in the extreme, and once again, is very much indicative of personality cult-like thinking (they're all out to get and take down the object of my idolatry!), not to mention indicative of an unbelievably childish, black-and-white, good/bad, overly-simplistic view of the world ("MJ good! Accusers liars! People who believe liars, also bad! If you're not with MJ, you're a bad person!").

When I listen to Safechuck and Robson describe their experiences, to some degree its like taking a time machine back to the mid-late 1980s when Michael Jackson was as close to a real life mythical figure as there was. Again, this part of it is both INCREDIBLY crucial as well as almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who wasn't there (particularly as a young person) in the 1980s to fully grasp or wrap their heads around: but what happened to the Neverland kids could've EASILY happened to ANY kid in the 80s who was a fan of Jackson's... which in the 80s was basically EVERY kid ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. Even myself, who like I said before, was otherwise TOTALLY disinterested and divorced from mainstream pop music of ANY kind and wanted nothing at all to do with most of it: Michael Jackson's raw talent and energy was THAT universal and THAT infectious across class/social/racial/gender lines at that point in time.

Apart from Safechuck and Robson's stories being INCREDIBLY accurate to most cases of serial pedophilia and child-sex abuse relationships (and like with MANY other topics of this nature, is something that WAY too frightening a number of people appear to be blood-curdlingly ignorant about: by all means PLEASE take the time to read more on this matter here), what a great, great, GREAT many, many people like myself who were children in the 1980s and were even SOMEWHAT into Michael Jackson's music and videos back then hear when they listen to the stories of these two guys is this:

"That could have EASILY been me back then."

To insist instead that "No, its because you WANT to believe that Michael Jackson is a sex abuser" in light of THAT context and THAT reality of what people who believe Robson and Safechuck's story? That is a fucking disgusting, reprehensible, divorced-from-reality, and outright sociopathic a statement to make. Period.

In NO way do I (or MOST sane people out there who simply have enough fucking awareness of how abuse generally works) WANT for either Michael Jackson or for ANYONE ELSE to be a sex abuser. WANTING for someone to be a sex abuser means wanting for there to be VICTIMS of sexual abuse: and that is something that if you sincerely think, given EVERYTHING that has been written about #MeToo from the perspective of the victims of sex abuse themselves and those who believe their stories, that people in this movement (as both women/survivors and as allies) WANT for there to be abuse victims?

Then all I can say is that that is some of the darkest, most vile, sickest, and poisonous fucking garbage thinking as I've come across anywhere. Which given many of the roads I've traveled throughout my life, is SAYING something.

Its also as much a case of psychological projection as I've heard, as note how all of the tough-guy amateur internet sleuths throughout this thread who are "just being objective" and "trying to hear both sides" when they disbelieve victims of sex crimes are also the same fucking whiners screaming about "civility!" and "their hurt feelings" and "people being too harsh for me!" If EVER there was a group of people who PERFECTLY fit the description of "wanting to be a victim".

The ultimate point being: no, neither myself, nor ANYONE ELSE who is either a part of or otherwise allied with and supportive of #MeToo WANTS for either Michael Jackson to be a sex predator (ESPECIALLY those of us who grew up loving his work and what it represented for so many years), nor for ANYONE ELSE to be a sex predator. Because people being sex predators means that there must then be victims for them to prey on: and the WHOLE ENTIRE POINT of MeToo is to PREVENT and SPARE any further victims in the future.

If you're still fundamentally incapable of understanding that, if your own personal baggage relating to some dipshit celebrity you worship or with you being worried about totally imaginary rash of false allegations (despite it being pointed out for people MANY MANY MANY times now that false rape allegations are in statistical reality MUCH rarer than most people think) or you simply being mildly miffed or offended because someone was a tiny bit short with you online for saying something outlandishly, preposterously stupid and naive about sex crimes (a topic which MOST people ought to have at least SOME basic, working knowledge of by the time they're old enough to even be having these conversations at all)...

...then you're someone who simply doesn't WANT to listen, doesn't WANT to be better educated about shit that actually matters, and are placing your own personal comfort, convenience, and feelings above that of people who are going through something WAY worse and WAY more pressingly important than you being made to face an uncomfortable but forthright question about your naive, sheltered-ass, rose-tinted view of the world for 5 seconds.

And finally, here's another excellent article regarding the Leaving Neverland accusers, their relationship with Jackson, Jackson's own childhood abuse, and how well all of it matches up with many other child sex abuse cases.
Okay, I'm going to make these 3 very brief points:
1 - That I don't know anything about sexual assault. I'm a victim of it. You know what they say about assuming, don't you?
2 - I didn't say that the victims wanted him to be a sex offender. I said that someone who, after people come out as frauds and the would-be victims vouch for the accused, still insists on speaking ill of the dead and insists he's a pedophile does have very heavy shades of that. If you imply that every single person who defended him is brainwashed and that the accuser who turned out to be a fraud and was extorting him is the one beacon of pure light, you might at least just own up to the fact that you want him to be guilty so your reality of the situation is confirmed. Like I said, own up to it.
3 - I'm not a big MJ fan. I mean, I listened to his songs, who hasn't? And at the time, I did think he was guilty when the scandal started, only changing my mind after looking up into it several years later on a whim.
If you want to be productive, you can do like a certain other user (sorry, I forgot their username) and point out shady things about the situation. That's absolutely fine and can merit discussion. You're just an overly verbose shitslinger, tho. If your point is "Well, he could have done it, so he absolutely did it" while insulting everyone who thinks otherwise then don't bother me again unless you have something productive to add... in which case do so via DMs because we're getting way off-track.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kokonoe » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:39 pm

TKA wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:57 am
miguelnuva1 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:44 am Hundreds of kids in his house as well as 3 of his own and only 1 or 2 come out with their stories changing.
This doesn’t say anything. Just because you’re a rapist doesn’t mean you rape every person you come across. Same for if you’re a pedophile. Even just 1 is 1 too many.

Further, all you’re saying is “only 1 or 2” people are willing to take the public backlash and everything else that comes with coming out. We’re 90+ pages into this thread, and you’ve seen how the victims of abusers get absolutely trashed by the public for a Z-list celebrity like Vic. Imagine what it must be like accusing one of the greatest cultural icons ever.
This this this.

People act like coming out about a celebrity is some kind of prestige. No, it's asking for a bullseye right on your forehead.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kid Buu » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:24 pm

RandomGuy96 wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:25 pm
Kunzait_83 wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:41 am Pretend Mignogna is someone who not only WASN'T a part of all that, but also WASN'T someone who you thought you "knew" from meeting and interacting with him a bunch of times at conventions, fan events, meet & greets, and that he doesn't have a fangirl cult and doesn't have a social media presence as a Z-tier celebrity.

Wipe away ALL of your history of personal emotional bias in wanting to think that this guy is saintly and awesome. Which frankly ought to be BOUNDLESSLY more of an easy task to do with THIS random schmuck than it should be to do with a guy of, once again, Michael Jackson's raw, towering cultural stature.

Would you look at some regular, random dude, who had COUNTLESS dozens and dozens and dozens of different, COMPLETELY unconnected accusations that he was overly gropey and handsy with women, the vast swath of whom were very-much underage girls, throughout his professional workplace (wherever that happened to be) where he'd be around a lot of young girls (maybe in this hypothetical scenario, he works at a school or something) in anything even CLOSE TO the same forgiving light?

Would you still give this dude SO much leeway and SO much benefit of the doubt if there were actual photo evidence of him being over-familiar with these girls, and if the accusations stretched back more than 25 years ago? Would one of the victims who publicly accused him being KIND OF short-fused about it REALLY sway you THAT hard and THAT starkly into thinking "Well MAYBE the guy's innocent, and its all one big conspiracy to take him down because THIS ONE PERSON among his DOZENS of accusers was kinda, slightly, mildly testy about it in her tone and tenor when she called him out"?

Again: wipe away ALL of your own personal baggage that many of you are almost UNQUESTIONABLY bringing into things here. Your growing up with FUNimation's DBZ, you loving Broly as a kid, you also getting into their dub of FMA or whatever else, you going to all these fan conventions, you getting Vic's autograph and chatting him up for a bit, and thinking he's the nicest, coolest guy ever. Throw away ALL of that COMPLETELY for just a second here. Just look at his case as if he were just some bum off the street.

Would you STILL react with the same degree of hyper-scrutiny toward the victims/accusers?
I espoused a very similar sentiment a few pages back, but I must admit that this is a much more erudite and impactful way of putting it.
Could you imagine if Michael Jackson wasn't famous when the Living with Michael Jackson documentary came up? Claiming that that he only had 2 nose jobs when his appearance changed drastically, claiming his kids are biologically his when they appear to be completely genetically European, dangling a baby, literally having a theme park to lure in children and admitting to sleep overs with children....

...he'd get roasted by child protective services in seconds.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by AgitoZ » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:55 pm

Kid Buu wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:24 pmCould you imagine if Michael Jackson wasn't famous when the Living with Michael Jackson documentary came up? Claiming that that he only had 2 nose jobs when his appearance changed drastically, claiming his kids are biologically his when they appear to be completely genetically European, dangling a baby, literally having a theme park to lure in children and admitting to sleep overs with children....

...he'd get roasted by child protective services in seconds.
The FBI was on him for more than a decade. I think they hold more power than CPS.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by WittyUsername » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:11 pm

Since this has apparently become the Michael Jackson thread, I guess I should point out a video on YouTube called “Michael Jackson And Wade Robson: The Real Story”. I’m not going to link to it, because I don’t think I would do a good job of summarizing the contents of the video, but I think it might be worth taking a look at, regardless of where you stand.

I will say this: the video does lean heavily in Michael Jackson’s defense, but it does have more meat to it than nearly all of these “VIC MIGNOGNA IS AN INNOCENT VICTIM OF THE BIG BAD SJWS” videos on YouTube. Of course, as the title suggests, it specifically dissects the Wade Robson story, so that still leaves Jimmy Safechuck.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Gligarman » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:46 pm

Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile. Vic Mignogna is the one putting his hands around children's waists and kissing them. Let's talk about hat guy.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Shaddy » Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:12 pm

I mean, they can both be pedophiles.

Let's be honest, when was the last time dozens of people came out with sexual assault allegations toward a person for years and it was just all a lie? I can't think of even once. The logistics might be different, some of what people say might just be fueling an existing fire, but I don't think there's a single time a scenario like this has arisen where the person in question is 100% innocent, and if there is it doesn't take long at all to get to that conclusion. Like, within a couple days.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Young-Jah » Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:19 pm

Kefla wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:21 pm
Young-Jah wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:35 pm Ik, can we please get over with the MJ thing, and talk about it in another day.
For Funi, this is going to ruin their reputation as a English licensing company.
Firing a guy who did naughty things is gonna ruin their reputation? Nah.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by tinlunlau » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:08 pm

Oh, for fucks sakes, Michael Jackson's been dead for like ten years now. Let the man rest in peace.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Shaddy » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:26 pm

The people he hurt are still alive.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by The Tori-bot » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:29 pm

Bansho64 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:18 pm I will go out on a limb here and say, I personally don't buy into Robson and Safechuck's claims and I find them extremely fictitious.
I'm glad you're here to share your impartial viewpoint rooted firmly in logic and critical thinking. Nice avatar.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Bansho64 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:37 pm

The Tori-bot wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:29 pm I'm glad you're here to share your impartial viewpoint rooted firmly in logic and critical thinking. Nice avatar.
I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make a subtle and sarcastic jab at me. I've done absolutely nothing to warrant it and I don't appreciate it.

You don't know me and you haven't even tried to ask me to further explain my opinion and what I believe. Try to do that first before you try to break down my critical thinking and viewpoint based off of my damn avatar.
Last edited by Bansho64 on Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
