Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection 'F'"

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Jodaku » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:31 pm

Just came from a screening of this here in the UK. It's pretty surreal watching DB on the big screen after 15 years of being a fan of the series. Up until the last few years, never thought such a thing would be possible but here we are. Decent attendance too, I would say my screening was at least two thirds full, maybe pushing three quarters, albeit in one of the smaller screens in the cinema I was at (I was in a Odeon in Birmingham). The overall crowd was a bit subdued in the first 30 mins or so (people were still coming in 20 minutes after the film had started), but after that definitely reacted accordingly to funnier moments in the film and were into it big time.

As for the film itself (taking away the cinema experience of seeing DB on the big screen), it plays out better on screen than it sounded on paper. I didn't get the sheer amount of joy and reaffirmation of why I love the series that I'd gotten from watching Battle of Gods. It was a good time, but I'm not in a rush to watch it again.

There were highlights though. Jaco and Bulma stole the show for me in F, pretty much everything they did in the film was gold. Beerus and Whis were great as usual too, as was the banter between Goku and Vegeta. Nice to see Roshi get some action too.

I've come to view the recent wave of new material (Jaco, the two movies, Super etc) in its own vacuum. The additions of Jaco, Beerus and Whis to the cast have been wonderful. They bring so much flair, sass, fun and just sheer personality to proceedings (though the charm of Beerus is being ebbed away a little in Super). But the failure to utilise the existing cast in a meaningful way outside of Goku and to a lesser extent Vegeta does leave a bad taste in the mouth. Gohan is pretty much a joke now, but what makes it worse is how the material goes out of its way to make sure you know that he's a joke and that he no longer matters, not even GT did this from what I can remember. Gohan is a great character, and a great counter to Goku and Vegeta's characteristics, it's a shame. The refusal to age Trunks and Goten is also perplexing, especially as for me, one of the series' strengths is the feeling that time is always moving on, which massively contributes to giving DB its epic feel.

But as I said, in a vacuum, I can still enjoy the new stuff, I'm just at the stage now where the 42 manga volumes and the Bardock TV Special is the true story in my head canon and everything else is just gravy that I can take or leave. Battle of Gods and the Jaco volume (excluding the Bardock stuff which was horrible) were great, Super has been really underwhelming thus far and F was a fun but not a worthwhile addition to the series and I'm already dreading the Super retelling of it.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Captain Space » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:45 pm

NitroEX wrote: Aren't you accusing me of doing the same thing you're doing? Like you said, there isn't any evidence to suggest these characters did or didn't train, so why automatically assume Gohan couldn't possibly have trained while Krillin and Roshi did? The fact that Gohan didn't train after the Cell arc, and the resulting outcome of that is reason enough to wake the character out of stagnation, not to repeat history. Hell, he even has a baby and wife to protect now so you'd assume that would be enough motivation for any character.

The superfluous stuff like character interviews came after the film was made so I don't see why that's evidence of anything. They're just part of Toei's creative decision making for the film... which I'm not a fan of.
Firstly, I apologise for my accusation; that was unnecessarily harsh of me and kind of close to ad hominem. In any case, I think I phrased the previous post quite poorly for this section. I used the "no evidence either way" thing since you'd been saying it and I guess I was trying to respond on similar terms or...something. To the contrary, I actually do believe there's evidence for all my claims.

Gohan not training--he says as much in RF. Krillin begun training again--shown in the JSAT, which is canon to RF. Roshi training--stated in an interview by Toriyama, which is good enough for me (and an interview close in time to the film at that).
I feel like you're missing the bigger picture here. I personally don't care if his Ultimate form would have been enough to stand up to Freeza or not, that's not really the issue. The issue is; if it doesn't matter what form he's in anyway (because Freeza is so "ludicrously strong"), why even bother weakening him in the first place?

Picture the same scenario, Gohan's in his ultimate state, Freeza transforms to final form (doesn't even have to be golden Freeza) and then knocks out Gohan. All of a sudden this situation is not only more plausible to the audience but it doesn't require you to weaken one of your last few relevant characters.

I don't see the purpose in weakening him to SSJ and having him be swept aside by Freeza's weakest form. It's a step too far in the wrong direction. Judging by the way Super's going this constant demotion and humiliation of Gohan seems to be a trend over at Toei. I don't expect it to change anytime soon but I can express my dissatisfaction with it. It baffles me that people feel the need to defend this sort of bad decision making.
The thing is, your scenario has ultimate/mystic Gohan being a bigger threat to Freeza than base/SSJ Gohan was. What I'm saying is, he wouldn't be. It doesn't matter at all exactly how strong he is; if he had been mystic he still would've been one-shotted by first-form Freeza because the plot of the movie called for the strongest fighter present at the time to be utterly decimated by Freeza's weakest form, because that's the best way of showing just how much Freeza has progressed.

Basically, I disagree on Gohan's specifically being beaten by first form Freeza as being linked to his depowering (i.e. that there was some greater "purpose" to it). I don't think the thought process at Toei (or indeed with Toriyama, whoever these parts of the plot came from) was "Well, let's make Gohan weaker so that Freeza can plausibly beat him easier". I think it was two entirely separate thought processes.

1. "Last time Gohan stopped training, he got weaker, so I guess that should happen again. How do we represent that? Oh, let's have him back to SSJ."

And 2., entirely unrelated, "Hey, let's show how badass Freeza is by having him effortlessly take out the strongest fighter there without even transforming! Okay, who's the strongest there? Ah, Gohan, right."

So the "reason they bothered weakening him in the first place" is because they thought that's what would logically happen as time progressed during this story. Were they wrong? Maybe? We don't know how mystic works exactly. But that was all it was.
The prior sequence with the Freeza henchmen was great, I agree. What came immediately afterwards though? Poorly handled in my view.

As for Trunks and Piccolo, they both served a narrative purpose in the Cell games, so no, I wouldn't call them punching bags. In fact I think they came off looking very strong especially in the anime version of the Cell jr fight. If anyone was a punching bag at the Cell games I think it was Vegeta but even so he had a redeeming moment when he tried to avenge Trunks' death. He also played a role in killing Cell so it's not the same as Gohan who gets knocked out and gets to do nothing afterward. You could argue that in ROF Gohan was needed to save Piccolo from Shisami but does anyone really believe Piccolo couldn't beat him on his own?
It was, ah man, Tenshinhan's cool moves and Jaco and...okay, ahem, anyway.

I see what you're saying I guess, but he still played a bigger role than Piccolo or Trunks at the Cell Games I'd say. In that Piccolo had one important conversation with Goku and then didn't get instantly slaughtered by a minion but was still doing poorly. Trunks did marginally better than Piccolo in the fight but was still at best even with his Cell Jr., and his only other contribution was to die and give Vegeta his important moment.

Whereas Gohan, until the gods arrived, was the strongest hero around, saved Krillin (and not claiming he saved Piccolo since that was basically just a time-saving measure) one-shotted the strongest henchman, took down scores more including that cool high-speed pressure-points thing, and according to Freeza could've taken down the whole army by himself.

I dunno, my point here is that there was still a point in having him turn up for the battle, he had cool moments and things to do that weren't just "Freeza-fodder". (Maybe I'm biased here because after seeing the movie in cinemas for some reason I just thought Gohan was really cool in it? Despite his depowering? I don't know. I just really liked this version of him for some reason. Maybe I'm just crazy.)
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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Baggie_Saiyan » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:53 pm

Oh hey Jodaku I was in Odeon Birmingham again today too. The audience was a lot more tame then the one on Wednesday which was a shame. Goku and Vegeta hand holding was probably the biggest reaction that a scene got.

Aside from that aspect, the film I felt held up pretty well the second time around. The film also felt a lot quicker too. Really don't have anything extra to add about it other then what I posted on Wednesday. Fun time at the movies. It's a very self aware movie and knows what it is doing and excels at it. I'd probably bring my rating from 13/10 down to 9/10 now the hype is settled. Only flaw I did find is the pacing and narrative issues (which hopefully will be fixed in Super).

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Jodaku » Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:29 pm

Ah, nice one Baggie_Saiyan. It really is a small world. The Wednesday showing sounded like it would've been an experience.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Baggie_Saiyan » Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:41 pm

Jodaku wrote:Ah, nice one Baggie_Saiyan. It really is a small world. The Wednesday showing sounded like it would've been an experience.
Indeed! And yes it was, Wednesday we were supposed to be in Screen 9 like today but then they moved us down to screen 4 the bigger one and it was simply amazing. It was like being in a football match surrounded by fellow fans. More or less every scene generated reactions even stuff like Shu's nighclub comment got big laughs. I wish I could re live that day over and over haha!!

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Bullza » Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:01 pm

Well I'm going to see it at 2pm tomorrow and because we have free tickets it looks my dad it coming along too. He knows nothing about the series and wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for the free day out. He's definitely not an anime person even though he hasn't seen much of it at all, I think he sees them as being like Pokémon which I used to watch.

No idea what he's going to think of it but he probably won't like it.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Jodaku » Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:52 pm

Baggie_Saiyan wrote:
Jodaku wrote:Ah, nice one Baggie_Saiyan. It really is a small world. The Wednesday showing sounded like it would've been an experience.
Indeed! And yes it was, Wednesday we were supposed to be in Screen 9 like today but then they moved us down to screen 4 the bigger one and it was simply amazing. It was like being in a football match surrounded by fellow fans. More or less every scene generated reactions even stuff like Shu's nighclub comment got big laughs. I wish I could re live that day over and over haha!!
Ok, now I'm jealous. That sounds like that was amazing, would have loved to have watched DB in that atmosphere.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by BlackCatScott » Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:34 pm

I still find it surreal. From growing up watching the anime and having very few friends at all who had interest in Z (even if they did, it didn't last) to being in a room packed out with fans all in shirts/hoodies/cosplay - added to that a great atmosphere, with people shouting "woohoo!!" at the start, with laughter throughout and applause at the end. A great atmosphere and an overall experience that I don't think can be topped.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Super Saiyan Swagger » Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:21 am

Oh snap! A member of Manga UK posted his thoughts on The Guardian's review for Resurrection 'F' and he certainly seems displeased. He made some great points, check out his post: ... -animation

It really goes to show just how ridiculous this review is when a member of the distribution of the film has to express their displeasure with the completely unfair critique.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Sshadow5001 » Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:16 pm

I just got back from the 2pm showing in Dudley and it was awesome :D there werent any posters up or anything but I saw a bunch of fans dressed in Dragonball T-Shirts and even saw a cosplay enthusiasts dressed in Attack on Titan uniform who brought a Goku gi to change into :D

The movie itself was really fun and the atmosphere was awesome. I'm really glad I made the trip to see it.
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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Bullza » Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:27 pm

Lol I saw the girl with the Goku GI as well.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Kaboom » Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:55 pm

So am I doing something wrong, or did the discounted t-shirts from FUNi's store run out or something?
Dragon Ball ended in 1997.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Sshadow5001 » Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:51 pm

Bullza wrote:Lol I saw the girl with the Goku GI as well.
You were their too? Would have been cool to have a Kanzenshuu meet up :D there was a lot more people there than I thought there would be, It was prettu amazing :D
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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Bullza » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:36 pm

I was there yeah I held the door open for the cosplay girl on the way out, wearing a red hoody I was sitting over on the left hand side in the middle.

I was really surprised how many people there were, they were even sitting down the front and nobody ever wants to sit down there.

There's been a few here who've been to that same Showcase over the last couple days. I find it funny that you have a site like this with thousands of members from all over the world and then there's a handful of people all from around Dudley.

I'd be down for a meet up if there ended up being another DBZ movie that got released there.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Sshadow5001 » Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:07 pm

Bullza wrote:I was there yeah I held the door open for the cosplay girl on the way out, wearing a red hoody I was sitting over on the left hand side in the middle.

I was really surprised how many people there were, they were even sitting down the front and nobody ever wants to sit down there.

There's been a few here who've been to that same Showcase over the last couple days. I find it funny that you have a site like this with thousands of members from all over the world and then there's a handful of people all from around Dudley.

I'd be down for a meet up if there ended up being another DBZ movie that got released there.
I wan sat in the middle row on the right side lol I was wearing a leather jacket and had my blue "The Incredible Goku" shirt on.

The place was pretty packed which was awesome, and yeah a gathering (perhaps over a McDonald's or something) would be awesome.
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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Deathbringer » Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:02 am

I went to the Wednesday showing in Leicester Square at the Empire cinema, such a fun night out with two of my friends topped off with the movie itself. The script that they did for that movie was brilliant, it was so funny and accurate to the original at the same time (unless you count some of the names but that's forgiveable when they've been doing it like this for years), the character interactions were the best part of the film, even though there were no stakes and the plot is overall completely pointless just as I feared it would be, it was still a very entertaining movie, you have to give it that.

Having DBZ on a big screen surrounded by fans (I was in the very back row, row F 8) ) was one of the bast parts of the evening, hearing the laughter at things like Vegeta's delivery of the line "It's CHEESE" or the One Piece music being Krillin's ringtone (I only realised the Mayumi Tanaka joke after I thought about it for a while, very subtle I like it :clap: )

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by Wesker » Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:51 pm

Catalan trailer of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F (Dragon Ball Z: La Resurrecció de F).

I believe it's just Castilian Spanish and Catalan versions which are goign to be premiered in Spain for the moment. An Euskera version might also premiere some time after and maybe Galician and/or Valencian versions could be done too for future home releases.

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by TheDevilsCorpse » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:01 am

Well, it's upon us. I received shipping confirmation of my Limited Edition Resurrection "F" Blu-ray just a bit ago from CDJapan.
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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by JulieYBM » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:12 am

TheDevilsCorpse wrote:Well, it's upon us. I received shipping confirmation of my Limited Edition Resurrection "F" Blu-ray just a bit ago from CDJapan.
As have I. I can't wait to see what this storyboard looks like...!!

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Re: Official On-Going DBZ 2015 Movie Thread: "Resurrection '

Post by kei17 » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:21 am

My copy has arrived.
Interestingly enough, Shisami does not exist at all in the storyboards. It's Tagoma who fights Piccolo.
Freeza blows out a nameless soldier instead of Tagoma, but the text says it's Tagoma. It seems that Yamamuro replaced him with Tagoma after drawing the shots and changed only the texts later. Also, it's explicitly stated that he is rescued afterwards though he ended up dying in the actual movie.

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