What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode.

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What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Ki Breaker » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:55 am

A request to all who experience super as a legitimately good show..
I would like to know certain things, to look at it from a different perspective..

Why watch it? Would you have done the same if it wasn't Dragonball content?

What separates super from Z? Which one of them do you enjoy the most and why?

Do you feel people who don't like Super have their facts twisted? Do you not understand how they aren't enjoying such good show? Or are you neutral towards this situation?

If all defending is forgotten, you are enjoying it yourself, Does it really make sense with the pre established lore to you?

Let's keep this clean, no twisted talk or sarcastic remarks, let's also not quote people replying to this, let everyone speak their mind this once without having to engage in the war..

P.S. A new thread created as per demand, this is the continuation of the idea originated in the official discussion thread
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Psykomatik » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:10 am

- I'm watching the show because it is Dragon Ball, yes. (I'm not a big fan of anime/manga generally, i just love Dragon Ball)
- Between Super and Z, i enjoy more Super. Not liking all the filler of Z, while the filler of Super has been constantly good.
Oh, and to me, Dragon Ball isn't a Texas Instrument or a Casio. Stop confusing both of them. Personnally, I'm not at all interested in the debates like: Who wins between Cell and Dabra? Is Broly canon? Does Broly have the level of a Super Saiyan Blue? I have nothing to do with its discussions. The soul of Dragon Ball does not reside in the fighting, but in the reasons that lead the characters to battle, like on of my friend would say.
- I don't want to know why they're not enjoying the show, and to be fair, i don't want to talk with them. They're disrespectful, and if i don't think like them, i'm a fanboy who knows nothing about Dragon Ball.
Tho, i know some people who're not enjoying the show, and can tell me why with respect. Unfortunately, it becomes rare in this forum...

I hope i answered all the questions you asked. Sorry for my english, i'm french...

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by dbs fanboy » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:15 am

Well, while i like it,i don't think that super is a good show, (it's just ok like GT). But if i had to take one thing and probably the most important one that made me stick to the show, it's the overall improvement. You know, there are a lot of reboots and sequels to old stories nowadays, but overall i mostly dislike them, but mostly not because i hate them but because when i rewatch them i don't feel any improvement. Like with the franchise of The Land Before time (which was my favourite franchise as a child by the way), as i grew up i started to notice the flaws but gave a pass to some of the movies because nostalgia, recently a new movie was released, and i tried to watch it to see if there was something changed with the tone (less music and songs and more development and seriousness like in the first film), but it didn't and i dropped it. Same things goes with current Ben 10 and the powerpuff girls.

But with super i don't feel that, i mean, RoF was nothing alike an improvement when it was released after the BoG arc (which made me have doubts over dropping the series back then), but after that, the U6 arc was an improvement overall, then with the Black Goku arc the same thing happened (while it still has a lot of flaws related mostly with power inconsistencies), , and it was even better, the animation was decent overall (having some of the highest ups in the whole franchise), the villain was interesting, there was a sense of tension and mistery, more characters were relevant and had development, there was a lot of symbolism......etc.
And currently super is pretty much utilizing it's whole cast making much more characters relevant, hell, Gohan and Buu are doing something and back then these would seem like a bad joke.

With all this all i want to do is to see super reaching it's full potential, and this plus the new characters (really interesting overall), the character interactions and slice of life moments, the world building and lore expansion (when i watched #85 i really thought that the Pride Troopers could even have their own show) is what (at least for me) makes super worthwhile (currently).

Of course it's far away from reaching the level of Z or db but i don't know, if it keeps improving maybe someday i will be able to call it a good show, or maybe it will fucking drop the ball, so far i'm enjoying the ride (with some exceptions).

About the people disliking super, it depends, there are a lot of people that hate the show and that really have good reasons for doing it show, and i can understand and respect that.

But man there are other people that sometiomes seem to misunderstand certains things and critizice in the wrong way, with this i'm talking about the people that take an in between shot to call it bad animation or the ones that complain because some videos of Mastar and the most recent one from carhoo have better animation than super when most of the animation there is traced. I'm talking about the people that complain about black Goku because according to them it's stupid fanservice and then go to talk about how great Broly is.

Mostly i simply don't talk with that people unless they start being disrespectful or say something completely stupid (like thinking that Toriyama is an animator).
Last edited by dbs fanboy on Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Gafonso6 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:19 am

1- Because it's Dragon Ball. I'm not a big anime watcher, I only watch a few and if Super wasn't DB I wouldn't watch it.

2- Honestly I think they're both at the same level with sometimes Super being better and vice-versa. To me there's nothing that makes one stand out from the other. They both entertain me and that's what matters the most to me.

3- I'm neutral. If people don't like then ok.

4- I mean there are some inconsistencies here and there but nothing that makes hate it or dislike it.
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Neo-Makaiōshin » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:38 am

For me one what makes DBSuper worthwhile is bringing new animated content to the franchise after several years of absent. That alone is good enough reason but I will give more:

Another reason to watch Super is that this show feels like an extension of the Dragon Ball world in all its bad (power creep, unbalance cast usage) and good aspects (fights, character development and overall narrative theme per arc). Although, lately the show has been improving a lot on the former, which brings to the next point.

From the Future Trunks Arc to this day, the "Goku Show" is becoming less prominent. However, I am not saying he's no longer being the center of attention (cause he still is) but that more characters get to shine and be axtive participants alongside him.

I like the show not caring about fan headcanon of characters powerlevels (PL is cancer) and embraces the concept of being as strong as the plot demands, the show knows it's not a RPG.

The show is not afraid to have fun with its characters and tropes, this is why the "filler" episodes in between arcs have been (for the most) a lot of fun to watch and laught. I love how Super never forgot the franchise comedic roots.

As a harsh critic I would give DBSuper a 6/10. As a passionated fan, I would give it an 8/10....

F**k it!, I'm giving the show a 8.5/10 :D
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Kchlu » Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:24 am

1) Well, it's because it's Dragon Ball after all, not much needs to be expanded on for that. Even if it wasn't, I might have watched it just for the premise alone.

2) For me, Super is different in that when it comes to fights, not everything is about strength which Z lost somewhere along the way. Tactics are used, which I appreciate a lot. Plus, I love the fact that we get to see the characters' everyday life and their interactions with each other. We got some of it with Z but it was never enough for me. Despite all that, I still enjoy Z more as a whole due to its more consistent storytelling and better character portrayal, even with the uninteresting filler from time to time.

3) I personally feel that not everyone is like that. I can understand why they don't enjoy Super when they give pretty good reasons why but when it comes to people who just ragged on Super for no reason other than to just do so, I usually just don't mind them much and move on.

4) Does it make sense? Half of the time yes, but half of the time as well, no.
All in all, I enjoy Super overall and I still think it's a good show, even with the multiple flaws in it. I just hope it continues to improve as it goes on.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Lord Beerus » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:04 pm

1. Dragon Ball Super not going down the conventional route of power scaling and battle powers.

Super is already dealing with major complaints that Goku and Vegeta do everything the show, so having guys like Roshi, Tenshinhan and Krillin being brought back into prominence is a very welcome direction to me. Super wants everyone in the team to be super strong and awesome and not feel like jobbers or dead weight compared to Goku and Vegeta and contribute something of importance to the plot. It's like the polar opposite of GT. For me, it make things way interesting, and I kinda adore Super for taking this approach. There's nothing wrong with wanting consistency in power strength, but that doesn't matter much if the story itself is uninteresting and doesn't experiment with other members of the cast to bring something unique to the plot.

If a shake up of the status quo is needed to make the narrative more intriguing and have we have to break some non-established and already contradictory power hierarchy "rules" to give guys like Krillin, Roshi and Tien their moment in the sun, while also bringing back an essence of the teamwork and strategy that has been lost in Dragon Ball for so many years, then so be it. I'd much rather have an interesting show with an unorthodox approach to power, strategy and teamwork, where all the cast feel worthwhile, than just a run-of-the-mill fighting show where you know the supporting can't do anything and the main character(s) are untouchable. We already had that with GT. There was an emphasis in the show and make show everybody was a strong as they could be, and while that's a perfectly fine approach, it didn't make the story any more fun to watch. Because it in turn made absolutely no-one would matter in the large scope of the narrative beyond Goku and Vegeta because of how much much stronger they were compared to everyone else in the central cast. Super wants be its own thing, for better or for worse, and to be honest, I respect the hell of the show for taking that approach.

I really want them to continue with this direction. With more of an emphasis of an ensemble cast, rather than the Saiyan doing everything. Of course I wouldn't mind, and really encourage, Super to go into a bit more detail with how the supporting cast get stronger. But's it nothing that will enhance or decrease my enjoyment of the show. How consistent the battle powers are have never been a issue to me. I'm more interested in the show providing major moments for characters outside of the Saiyans, aliens and Gods, and Super is doing that for me. So...more power to them for it.

Plus, I love seeing how much people melt down over their imaginary numbers constantly getting crushed.

2. The downtime episodes.

They just work so well in bridging the gap from one arc to the next. It just helps the narrative feel more cohesive and structured. Plus, they're just so much fun. And provide the perfect balance of world building and character interactions. Something that Dragon Ball has been historically lackluster in. The only filler episodes I've found to lack any really quality was the Copy Vegeta shit. And thankfully it only lasts three episodes. But even then, it was a total slog to get through and the ending of the mini filler arc left such a sour taste in my mouth. Fortunately, all of the other filler episodes have ranged from decent to just flat out great like. The Baseball episode being grand the highlight. What a absolute fucking riot that episode was. Hell, some of the most entertaining episodes in all of Super, and in all of Dragon Ball in my opinion, have been the slice-of-life/cooldown episodes. I think that's where the writers seem to have the most fun and/or are given the most freedom. And it really shows with how even the most trivial concept for a "throwaway" episode can be so entertaining and rich with content.

3. Providing new content after all these years.

4. It's Dragon Ball. And I love everything about Dragon Ball. Well... not everything, but you know what I mean.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Baggie_Saiyan » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:51 pm

1. I watch it because I enjoy it simple really, the would you watch it if it is DB question is not really fair or make sense because it is a sequel to DB, it is not like it is some offshoot spin off using the world of DB.

2. I don't have any sympathy or care why people don't like Super, we are almost 100 episodes in, if you don't like the show but continue to watch it this deep in then that is not my problem, I am not bothered about understanding that side anymore people are just way to quick to jump into the negativity and I do not have the time for it.

3. Of course I am enjoying Super I wouldn't be wasting time watching the show let alone discussing it on a forum if I disliked it, and yes everything makes sense to me, sure there is somethings you have to bridge in your mind but it's fine it is not like the original series wasn't like that.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Psykomatik » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:56 pm

Baggie_Saiyan wrote:and yes everything makes sense to me, sure there is somethings you have to bridge in your mind but it's fine it is not like the original series wasn't like that.
It's like everybody forget about Goku's summoning Shenlong only 8 months after his last summon in Dragon Ball.
1rst summon: About Oolong's panties
2nd summon, 8 months later: Resurrect Bola.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by The gr » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:08 pm

Not gonna repeat myself, viewtopic.php?f=25&t=30157&p=1295646#p1295646 about the people hating super,I just ignored them, their comments are repetitive and sometimes annoying, and were in 86 episode, if you don't like it, drop it
Last edited by The gr on Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:09 pm

1. Because it's Dragon Ball. I will readily admit to watching anything with the brand name. It did get a little tough to sit through during the Resurrection F arc, but I haven't felt that since the Champa arc began. Yes, Super is still not a great show, it's hit or miss but still serviceable and the good material we've had is worth waiting for (in my opinion).

2. Sumitomo's score. Much like Super itself the BGM has been a mixed bag, but when it's good it's really good, and I want to hear the good stuff. The songs from Future Trunks arc in particular have been stellar and whenever I listen to them I'm glad Super was created because I wouldn't have heard them otherwise.

3. New art and animation. Same deal, when it's good, it's really f***ing good.

4. Expansion of the lore. This is something I've wanted for a long time with Dragon Ball, and especially since I saw Battle of Gods all those years ago and wanted the 12 universes to be explored. Granted we've only seen a tiny bit outside of Universe 7 but I am confident that will change soon, especially since Super is making too much money to end anytime soon.

5. The new characters. I like a lot of them and see them as great new additions to the franchise. I know people who grew up with Dragon Ball like me but haven't seen Super and I'm always saying if they get around to watching it they will love some of the new characters. Best part is that we've gotten quality comedic and serious characters like Champa and Zamasu (the greatest antagonist since Freeza in my opinion) respectively.

6. The voice acting. What's not to like? I can experience the show in either Japanese or English with fantastic seasoned actors in either version. The Japanese cast, who I grew to love watching Super all do wonderful despite their ages, especially Nozawa who much like James Earl Jones as Vader still knocks it out of the park with Goku, not to mention Goku Black was one of the best performances of her career. And the English cast are in their prime, Schemmel, Sabat, Rager, Douglas and Sinclair have all done incredible work on this first arc, the Bang Zoom dub, while not as well crafted still has some great voices and standout performances like McConnohie, and Tang.
Do you have any info about international non-English broadcasts about the Dragon Ball anime or manga translations/editions? Please message me. Researching for a future book with Dragon Ball scholar Derek Padula :thumbup:

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Jinzoningen MULE » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:10 pm

I'm sure this question isn't for me because I don't find it particularly worthwhile, but I do stick around and will continue to stick around because it's a story that I have a lot of investment in. I've spent hundreds of dollars and several years collecting the series at this point, and I just finished collecting the manga, and still only own maybe 15-ish% of the series in video format (mostly because I've wasted money on so many Raditz duplicates). I'm in this for the long haul, and unless it becomes totally unrecognizable as Dragon Ball, I'm keeping to that.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Draconic » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:41 pm

First of all, if it just was another anime I wouldn't watch it, but I am not a huge anime guy. I only went out of my way to watch like... 10 anime shows (if you count all of Dragon Ball as one) and out of those can't say I've finished half.

Being fair here, Z is the better show between the two, but I can't say I've enjoyed it as much as I currently do Super. DBS just has way too many production issues that hold it back, but when it manages to work around them we get truly amazing stuff.
It's the first time as a fan of the series I am able to watch a show at the same time it airs and it makes me happy to be part of it.
I also don't subscribe to the "series should've stayed dead" idea. I think if the series would have stopped somewhere it should have been after the 23rd TB, so if the series already ran it's course for me already, reviving it seems only fair, especially since now everybody who works on it seems excited to do it, unlike post Freeza at the very least.

I don't give a crap about who dislikes the show. They have their reasons why and I have mine to like it. However, a lot of them get annoying. They are running their own reasons into the ground and can't seem to pass on the opportunity to make their opinion heard, even when no one asked, it's not the topic of a discussion or it's already been addressed. It gets tiring. I don't see people who like the show so vocal and ready to derail any conversation possible in order to make themselves noticed.

Not everything makes sense with the established lore, that's true, but most times the lore doesn't make sense among itself. The whole original series is full of contradictions, retcons, unexplained/unexplored ideas. I gave it a pass then, I still do, so why shouldn't I also give a pass to the aforementioned problems to the new show? Dragon Ball is a series that's supposed to be fun first and foremost. It doesn't have anything new to say and it never did. Just shut down your brain and enjoy the fireworks. If when the retcons and contradictions and unexplained stuff is boring and not fun, that's when I take issue. But Super has been fun, funny and exciting, so for me, that stuff isn't enough to whine about.

I have my issues with the show. I always make sure to share them when I go into detail. Production issues, the flanderization of Goku, wasted potential of certain ideas, even power scaling problems. But every single one of those is taken to such an extent by some people, that I can't help but realize how little I give a shit about them. Some nitpick them in such a way, or are even misinformed, that you can make anything look bad.
Check out the videos below, made by yours truly!

Goku vs Beerus BOG/Super mash-up https://gofile.io/d/kKKnMe

Vegeta vs Freeza ROF/Super mash-up https://gofile.io/d/MKPepW

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by ekrolo2 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:46 pm

I'm waiting for Fem Broly to appear just to see what's up with that. I don't exaggerate when I say that's the only thing keeping me going along with whatever bits of good looking fight scenes they can cram out of this beast.
When someone tells you, "Don't present your opinion as fact," what they're actually saying is, "Don't present your opinion with any conviction. Because I don't like your opinion, and I want to be able to dismiss it as easily as possible." Don't fall for it.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Kanassa » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:08 pm

Ki Breaker wrote:A request to all who experience super as a legitimately good show..
I would like to know certain things, to look at it from a different perspective..

Why watch it? Would you have done the same if it wasn't Dragonball content?
It being Dragonball is what got me to notice it, it being good is what got me to go past the first episode. Also, in this scenario are we also assuming that there weren't two movies beforehand? Because that would of made the first two arcs much more enjoyable.
What separates super from Z? Which one of them do you enjoy the most and why?
I prefer it more than Z as it reminds me much more of the first five arcs portion of Dragonball, more focus on the characters and giving them their own way to shine. While it suffers from animation issues now and again, I pretty much loved every moments with the characters outside of fighting. All the new characters introduced are all interesting and entertaining, though a few of them overstay their welcome (Or more specifically, some aspects of them, like Beerus's food jokes need get the fuck out) and I enjoy how it does give an honest attempt to explore Goku in a way. He brings out a fighters spirit in Hit, who until that moment was leading a bored life of senseless killing with no direction, sparking a new need to improve within Hit. But then he also sends Zamasu off the deep end and indirectly causes the destruction of Trunks's timeline. Even now they seem to be exploring the path that's going to lead Goku to taking Uub as his student.

And now to the meat of Super: Never before in an anime have I loved the in-between cool down episodes so much. I love how they do the characters justice, even Yamcha who could have easily been cast aside or just humiliated, is given an episode that's practically a love letter to him. The character moments are what really shine in this show, whether it's Piccolo babysitting, Videl and Pan calling up to Gohan, Goku taking care of Pan, F!Trunks thinking of a better life, Kid Trunks yelling at F!Trunks, Vegeta telling F!Trunks to never give up, ect. With Z, outside of the Buu saga, I never really have many of those moments. Though Z has plenty of ''FUCK YEAH'' moments. Plus, it brought back one of my favourite characters, F!Trunks, and did him justice.... For the most part.

Basically, I love Super because it takes a lot of elements that I enjoy from OG Dragonball and Z, and does them justice. Though it also takes some of their problems as well, like how Z kind of took away the adventurous aspect (Maybe that's just a consequence of letting your characters fly...). It has rough patches, and shit I call out, but I'll still wait anxiously to be the first to watch it when it comes on at 1am on a sunday morning in my time.

Z has better animation overall, but when Super gets good, it gets REALLY fucking good. In the current arc the fights have been pretty damn good so far, with some great themes backing them up... Though I'm pretty sure a lot of that music is from other Dragonball shows, so, I guess that doesn't count.
Do you feel people who don't like Super have their facts twisted? Do you not understand how they aren't enjoying such good show? Or are you neutral towards this situation?
Of course I understand why they don't like the show, it's flawed, like any piece of fiction. If anyone can honestly say they can't understand why somone could not enjoy a specific show, they have some rose tinted glasses to take off. And yeah, sometimes people will have their facts wrong, or say something doesn't make sense when it does, it happens. As long as the people on either side aren't dicks about it, I don't care.

Also, on this note, that common defence that comes up over how this is a kids show: That means nothing. Just because something is for kids, doesn't mean it shouldn't strive to be good.
If all defending is forgotten, you are enjoying it yourself, Does it really make sense with the pre established lore to you?
It makes perfect sense to me, most of the time. And I don't mind the retcons like the fusion and whatnot, since it kind of ties in witht he major theme of DBS: Limits.
Let's keep this clean, no twisted talk or sarcastic remarks, let's also not quote people replying to this, let everyone speak their mind this once without having to engage in the war.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

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FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Basako » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:21 pm

Psykomatik wrote:
Baggie_Saiyan wrote:and yes everything makes sense to me, sure there is somethings you have to bridge in your mind but it's fine it is not like the original series wasn't like that.
It's like everybody forget about Goku's summoning Shenlong only 8 months after his last summon in Dragon Ball.
1rst summon: About Oolong's panties
2nd summon, 8 months later: Resurrect Bola.
According to whom, a guide or the wikia? Doesn't matter, in universe it was stated that the balls would be inactive for one year and no specific dates were given for the wishes. The balls were active after the 21st tournament, wich makes that time at least one year after Ulon's wish.

Edit: Maybe there was a plothole after all. I checked Roshi told Goku and Krilin the tournament would take place after eight months when they were delivering milk. But I'll check it better when I can, looks unlikely four months passed from the wish to that moment.
Last edited by Basako on Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by emperior » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:26 pm

Just because it is "Dragon Ball" it's worth watching it. Like it or not, everybody watches the show because they loved the manga/anime. It's obvious Super is good mostly because it uses the already well-developed characters we all love, and expands on their story and the lore established by Toriyama. The fact the author is writing it is also a huge plus because he can mess with the story however he wants and, frankly, he's the only one really capable of consistently deliver good Dragon Ball stories.
I always felt like GT was flat compared to the other series, and the battles were also completely uninspired and not memorable. This time it's mostly Toei writing the battles and they are doing a very good job so far. Apart from the animation, the battles are on level with what DB and DBZ gave us in terms of entertainment and it's not something I give for granted. As I already said many times, it would be a lot better if they added blood and more battle damage, and also improved those ugly battle damage lines they draw in Super (which is frankly quite absurd they can't get such a simple thing right, just look at the latest two movies where those lines are actually well done)
Animation-wise, I don't think the show is that flawed. Apart from episode 5 (which got fixed with Blu-Ray) the BoG arc was good. It's only since the battle with Freezer that things went downhill for a few episodes (3 episodes I think) and that Botamo battle which was disgusting. I think the bad art is actually more problematic than the animation.
As for power scaling, I'm actually quite happy with the direction the show is taking. I appreciate that they are trying to make other characters more relevant. It started with Future Trunks being the main player of his arc and it's now continuing by giving the old characters some relevance by making their techniques, experience and skill matter.

In conclusion, I think Dragon Ball Super is a very, very good sequel to the manga/anime and it has me very hyped each week for a new episode. I'm satisfied with the story so far.
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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Saikyo no Senshi » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:47 pm

I stick around cause of 1) Behind the scenes discussion. Knowing more about Dragon Ball Super's messy schedule and in the process having a good discussion with some of the knowledgeable folks here - I get to learn more about anime production. 2) I have a little bit of a soft spot for the voice cast. I like Nozawa and company a lot, but I do criticize them when they don't perform well. So, that's just a minor reason. Reason #1 is why I haven't dropped the show.

As a show, DBS has offered me very little that I find interesting. I might enjoy a few highlights like the recent episode #86 and a few other select moments, but that's about it. I have made my thoughts very clear many times that I find the show below average trash and given reasons which have nothing to do with battle powers not making sense. I thought it was worth pointing out cause that's what majority of fans have a problem with in DBS.

I guess the OP's question doesn't apply to me. But, I'm just giving a different perspective. There are people like me and I know a few others who stick around cause of reasons other than "It is Dragon Ball, so I'll watch it no matter what". I don't even consider the franchise as a whole that great to begin with anyways. It is average at best and good at a few times. So, that nostalgia argument also don't work.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Omori » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:48 pm

Many reasons...

1) Of course, it's Dragon Ball, I often refer to a line from the first Super opening where it's like 'the continuation of our dream'. Thinking about the time after GT in the mid-2000s where we wanted new DB series so badly. And now it happened with many fans from back then back on board.

2) The expansion of the Universe(s): I like that the whole Dragon Ball as we new it expands in a way which wasn't expected. More universes, more characters.

3) The "Future Trunks" arc: Was great to see a new story with Trunks, nice scenery, nice music, great battles and the mystery about Goku Black. A friend of mine just returned watching Dragon Ball after this arc started.

4) Making something useful with the 10 year gap: Telling events around the births of Pan and Bra and all the characters from the Buu arc are in shape.

5) Beerus and Whis. I just love these two characters. Without them, Super would only be half fun.

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Re: What makes "Dragon Ball Super" worthwhile to you?

Post by Chuquita » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:08 pm

Why watch it? Would you have done the same if it wasn't Dragonball content?
I'm watching it because it's Dragon Ball content featuring characters I was already invested in from db and z. I haven't given up on Super because I enjoy watching Gokû's adventures and misadventures.
If it weren't Dragon Ball related, but a new shounen show I wouldn't be watching it. I no longer have the time to invest in brand new shounen series that tend to go on for years. The only modern ongoing shounen series I'm still following is One Piece (Whole Cake Island arc - very good).
If it weren't Dragon Ball related, but a new 12-episode 1-cour anime series I'd at least give the first episode a shot. I try a bunch of first episodes of one-season shows each season to decide which few I'm watching.
What separates super from Z? Which one of them do you enjoy the most and why?
The biggest thing? The pacing. Up until this current arc Super's made a point of trying to fit its arcs into 15 or so episode chunks, but now with this Omni Tournament arc I'm feeling a more Z pacing of "Hey, let's take our time." with Super. Second biggest thing? Not having a weekly manga that's published first meaning that what is and isn't Toriyama's idea story-wise is in this messy grey area that no one is able to clarify.
I don't enjoy one over the other. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.
Do you feel people who don't like Super have their facts twisted? Do you not understand how they aren't enjoying such good show? Or are you neutral towards this situation?
I can absolutely understand how people may not be enjoying Super. I've been bummed about how it's been writing Vegeta recently. I can't imagine how upset power level people must feel lately though. I personally don't care about power levels and even though I can see how plot-wise it's strange to see Krillin and 17 able to battle ssjblue Gokû, I'm ok with it because it means we're getting an ensemble cast again and that's good. I'd love to see future arcs that also utilize the whole gang again like big chunks of db and z did. I'm not all that excited for the tournament itself, but I'm enjoying these recruitment episodes quite a bit.
If all defending is forgotten, you are enjoying it yourself, Does it really make sense with the pre established lore to you?
Messy power level stuff aside, the only really big thing that doesn't quite fit to me is the whole "28 planets with life in Uni 7" bit. I've always been under the impression that Dragon World Earth is out in the boondocks of Universe 7, but off in the other directions there's thousands of planets with life and advanced civilizations in that same Universe 7. It's hard to believe that Freeza's empire was that small.
I also have questions about how/when could the Omni King and Arale have met for him to be greeting everyone with her sayings; Omni King's the only one outside of Penguin Village who uses those words. I still feel like if this show goes on long enough we're going to find out that Tori-bot is the one above Omni King and Gokû's going to meet for the first time the semi-retired Tori-bot in Penguin Village.
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