Debuting the New “Animation Production Guide”
Published by 30 December 2019, 2:35 PM EST

One staple of Kanzenshuu has always been our authoritatively detailed guides, many of which cover the various animation aspects of the Dragon Ball franchise. When we were first piecing together the “Episode Guide” nearly 15 years ago, the inclusion of complete episode credit listings was a priority, and as time went on we began compiling them in our “Production Guide”. This system worked for quite some time; however, the advent of the Dragon Ball Super TV series quickly made it apparent that this system was not only hard to maintain and organize, but difficult to navigate and search for specific information.

So in 2016 we went back to the drawing board and began working on a new guide, with the main emphasis on functionality. We wanted to create a guide that would be easy to navigate, search, and update, as well as provide easily shareable links to specific animators or pages. In fact, some of the functionality developed for this guide has already been incorporated into other areas of the site, namely the “Translations” archive. At the same time we also wanted to combine most of the site’s animation production related guides, sections, and pages under one roof. Thus, the “Animation Styles Guide” and “Production Guide” have both been removed from the site and incorporated into the new guide. And so, without further ado, I am super excited to unveil my labor of love, the “Animation Production Guide“!

The guide is divided up between general production information and our new Animation Staff Database, which serves as the backbone to the entire guide. This database provides listings of individual episode credits and the main animation staff involved with the Dragon Ball franchise, including a searchable list of all individual staff members stored in the database. In addition, the new Animation Supervisor Catalog provides a more detailed listing and discussion of the various animation studios and supervisors involved with the franchise.

While the guide as it sits now is up-to-date with the most current information, we do want to stress that this is a living guide that will continue to be updated as new information becomes available. It is also a massive guide that is far from being complete with everything we want to include, so bear with us as we continue to add more material. In the meantime, the guide has been added to the main navigation and is live for your viewing pleasure! Also, huge thanks to Ajay for his recommendations, review, and insights!

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  • Zarely says:

    You haven’t even finished the movie guide. DBZ movies 7 through Path to Power can’t even be clicked on. What’s the point in starting something else?

    • VegettoEX says:

      Kanzenshuu is our hobby that we plug away at in our free time and we work on whatever it is that brings us the most joy at that particular moment in time.

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